Web Applications and SQL Injection
SQL injection is a technique for exploiting web applications that use client-supplied data in SQL queries, but without first stripping potentially harmful characters. Despite being remarkably simple to protect against, there is an astonishing number of production systems connected to the Internet that are vulnerable to this type of attack. The objective of this article is to focus the techniques that can be used to take advantage of a web application that is vulnerable to SQL injection, and to make clear the correct mechanisms that should be put in place to protect against SQL injection and input validation problems in general.
Character Encoding
Most web browsers will not properly interpret requests containing punctuation characters and many other symbols unless they are URL-encoded. In this article, I have used regular ASCII characters in the examples and screenshots to maintain maximum readability. In practice, though, you will need to substitute %25 for percent sign, %2B for plus sign, etc., in the HTTP request statement.
Testing for Vulnerability
Thoroughly checking a web application for SQL injection vulnerability takes more effort than one might guess. It’s nice when you throw a single quote into the first argument of a script and the server returns a nice blank, white screen with nothing but an ODBC error on it, but such is not always the case.
It is very easy to overlook a perfectly vulnerable script if you don’t pay attention to details.
You should always check every parameter of every script on the server. Developers and development teams can be awfully inconsistent. The programmer who designed Script A might have had nothing to do with the development of Script B, so where one might be immune to SQL injection, the other might be ripe for abuse. In fact, the programmer who worked on Function A in Script A might have nothing to do with Function B in Script A, so while one parameter in one script might be vulnerable, another might not. Even if an entire web application is conceived, designed, coded and tested by one programmer, one vulnerable parameter might be overlooked. You never can be sure. Test everything.
Testing procedure
Replace the argument of each parameter with a single quote and an SQL keyword (such as "‘ WHERE"). Each parameter needs to be tested individually. Not only that, but when testing each parameter, leave all of the other parameters unchanged, with valid data as their arguments. It can be tempting to simply delete everything you’re not working with to make things look simpler, particularly with applications that have parameter lines that go into many thousands of characters. Leaving out parameters or giving other parameters bad arguments while you’re testing another for SQL injection can break the application in other ways that prevent you from determining whether or not SQL injection is possible. For instance, assume that this is a completely valid, unaltered parameter line
While this parameter line gives you an ODBC error
And checking with this line might simply return an error indicating that you need to specify a ContactName value.
This line…
…might give you the same page as the request that didn’t specify ContactName at all. Or, it might give you the site’s default homepage. Or, perhaps when the application couldn’t find the specified ContactName, it didn’t bother to look at CompanyName, so it didn’t even pass the argument of that parameter into an SQL statement. Or, it might give you something completely different. So, when testing for SQL injection, always use the full parameter line, giving every argument except the one that you are testing a legitimate value.
Evaluating Results
If the server returns a database error message of some kind, injection was definitely successful. However, the messages aren’t always obvious. Again, developers do some strange things, so you should look in every possible place for evidence of successful injection. First, search through the entire source of the returned page for phrases such as “ODBC,” “SQL Server,” “Syntax,” etc. More details on the nature of the error can be in hidden input, comments, etc. Check the headers. I have seen web applications on production systems that return an error message with absolutely no information in the body of the HTTP response, but that have the database error message in a header. Many web applications have these kinds of features built into them for debugging and QA purposes, and then developers forget to remove or disable them before release.
You should look not only on the immediately returned page, but also in linked pages. During a recent penetration test, I saw a web application that returned a generic error message page in response to an SQL injection attack. Clicking on a stop sign image next to the error retrieved another page giving the full SQL Server error message.
Another thing to watch out for is a 302 page redirect. You may be whisked away from the database error message page before you even get a chance to notice it.
Note that SQL injection may be successful even if the server returns an ODBC error messages. Many times the server returns a properly formatted, seemingly generic error message page telling you that there was “an internal server error” or a “problem processing your request.”
Some web applications are designed to return the client to the site’s main page whenever any type of error occurs. If you receive a 500 Error page back, chances are that injection is occurring. Many sites have a default 500 Internal Server Error page that claims that the server is down for maintenance, or that politely asks the user to send an e-mail to their support staff. It can be possible to take advantage of these sites using stored procedure techniques, which are discussed later.
This section describes the following SQL injection techniques:
-Authorization bypass
-Using the SELECT command
-Using the INSERT command
-Using SQL server stored procedures
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